No Integrity List: Philadelphia Police, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, KiwiFarms, Rog Philipose, Jane Philipose, @Niketas, Sarah A. Downey, PewDiePie, Piranhawc, Cody KO, Guccipilot, Sp1oif, Ronic

By Roy Philipose © Copyright Roy Philipose 2023. All rights reserved. Post created 02/2023. Post finalized 09/2023. I have music to make. This list is not complete and will be updated on a regular basis. There are too many to list here. I will list others on my YouTube channel when I get a chance. No one is authorized to talk on my behalf. Due to a misunderstanding, I am one of the most harassed and defamed persons on the Internet. Since 2014, I have been harmed due to lies and misinformation published about me. Social media is dangerous media. Social media is a dangerous and unregulated industry that does not validate content or its users. The media companies allow anyone to publish freely without any oversight or liability. There are no checks and balances . Mob mentality can run wild. Lies, misinformation, and attacks are common. The burden is left with the victims when they are harmed. There is no complaints board or legal fund to he...