No Integrity List: Philadelphia Police, YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, KiwiFarms, Rog Philipose, Jane Philipose, @Niketas, Sarah A. Downey, PewDiePie, Piranhawc, Cody KO, Guccipilot, Sp1oif, Ronic

 By Roy Philipose

© Copyright Roy Philipose 2023. All rights reserved.

Post created 02/2023.
Post finalized 09/2023.

I have music to make.

This list is not complete and will be updated on a regular basis. 

There are too many to list here. I will list others on my YouTube channel when I get a chance.

No one is authorized to talk on my behalf.

Due to a misunderstanding, I am one of the most harassed and defamed persons on the Internet. Since 2014, I have been harmed due to lies and misinformation published about me. 

Social media is dangerous media.

Social media is a dangerous and unregulated industry that does not validate content or its users. The media companies allow anyone to publish freely without any oversight or liability. There are no checks and balances. Mob mentality can run wild. Lies, misinformation, and attacks are common. The burden is left with the victims when they are harmed. There is no complaints board or legal fund to help victims sue.

Dangerous: Someone who is ready to harm you or publishes lies and misinformation about you. 

Since day one, I have defended my name and have been dealing with ignorance from others.

I've been harassed, defamed, marginalized, attacked, lynched, and doxxed. But that's okay because the Internet has become judge, jury, and executioner, and has approved of such actions.

If anyone out there thinks I'm delusional, crazy, or mentally ill, provide me your real name and I'll add you to this list. Since day one, I've gotten very few real names. Remember, you are the threat.

There are always two sides to every story, and it's dangerous to only listen to one side.

People who have normal lives don't know what it is like for people who don't.

I have explained myself too many times regarding this. 

In 2014, I broke down by accident and misspoke at a private Tesla meeting - none of the 2nd part was planned nor intentional. I apologized and thought nothing of it. Case closed. There is nothing more to discuss. The meeting was shown publicly via a one-time webcast.

The video of my poverty and PTSD breakdown went viral for the wrong reasons and has been republished like 200 times. Each time the video is republished, it creates a cycle of harassment and negative energy. I've had a ton of negative energy sent my way. I don't need that. My health has declined as a result.

I want the video taken down permanently. My personal health is more important than the public interest in watching a guy have a breakdown in front of Elon Musk. To date, there's been a total of 40M+ views, and not one single person gets it right who wrongfully republished the content.

I'm not having a meeting or discussion with Elon Musk. I'm having a breakdown right in front of him and I'm not myself.

A young, inexperienced, clueless, dumb, and dangerous generation of YouTubers and Redditors decided to take ownership and showcase my accidental breakdown to the entire world, and cancel me. How dangerous to have a discussion about me without me and the facts. People harm me while helping themselves.

The video is always falsely titled and shown out of context, and the content was never first validated by me. The truth is never told when the video is republished. Assumptions were published without verification. An emphasis on my frustrated face is shown to the world.

You have unlicensed, unregistered, unqualified, and unauthorized 3rd party amateurs and so-called "influencers" publishing and republishing content on unauthorized platforms because it gets many hits and clicks. My breakdown is being preserved by dangerous amateurs for historical purposes.

There were many negative and false references that were directed toward me by over 150 people. The public gave themselves the right to come and attack me. I've been treated like a major criminal. People attack me as if they never made a mistake in their life. It's fun, fast, free, and easy to attack people online.

I made a mistake and it was amplified for the whole world to see and negatively respond to.

The Internet has made me out to be some crazy person or a villain when I am not. I am highly normal.

I am one of the "good guys." Yet, I am falsely portrayed as one of the "bad guys."

The harassment and defamation have caused my health to majorly decline, since 2019. My mental and physical health has been affected. As a result, my family's health has declined too. I have yet to recover.

My work performance has suffered because of my health. Stress is bad for you and will shorten your life. My life has been shortened because of all this. That stress has caused me to gain weight.

I'm still waiting for major compensation for which I've received none. I don't have a normal life anymore ever since the breakdown. I've been through a lot of adversity in my life.

People attack me all the time. Those of you who have harmed me deserve death because you're going to bring me an early one. Too much negative energy will eventually kill you.

We are all energy. We can direct positive or negative energy toward others.

The assumption: I was frustrated at Elon Musk because I wanted to help run Tesla.

The truth: I was frustrated that I couldn't provide for myself, stressed that I was going into financial default, and upset that I was stuck at the entry level.

I'm not just frustrated for myself, I'm frustrated for things overall.

Regardless of where you are in the world, if you can't provide for yourself, you're in poverty.

Right before the meeting, I was told by Investor Relations (IR) not to ask for the executive position and retail job, and originally I wasn't going to. I sat down and started to have negative thoughts until the Q&A. I was going down.

After I asked my question, that was supposed to be it. But I had a breakdown.

The "second look" was supposed to be for a retail sales position and not for Vice-Chairman. But I lost control of my thoughts and words and said the wrong things. I have the potential to be an executive. Asking for a vice chairman position was something I wanted to mention in private, but it was accidentally asked for in public. I came there unemployed seeking assistance for a retail sales job. But I was shot down by IR for help.

Before the meeting, I pleaded with Jeff Evanson of IR, for financial help and a retail position at Tesla. He didn't care. I didn't plead with him to run the company. He shot me down and I started to shut down.

This shows you how fundamentally things are wrong in our society.

Tesla says they are an equal-opportunity employer. But they are not.

I have asked for help many times and have received none.

At the 2014 meeting, I stated that I was a "super genius." That is a bold claim. I am not a super genius. In 2015, I stated this in my blog. But I am a high-level mind.

I overestimated my intelligence. That doesn't make me crazy or delusional. People mistakenly overestimate or underestimate things every single day.

In 2015, the following year, I attended the Tesla meeting to fully apologize but I wasn't allowed to speak in the Q&A.

No media person on any media platform has ever interviewed me for the truth.

"You get what you give in life." If you give pain, you will eventually get pain back. Each time the video is republished, something bad happens. Remember, "Life is not fair."

The mistake I made was getting frustrated in front of my white superiors. You're not allowed to do that. You get in trouble for that. Indentured servants are supposed to stay quiet, do their work, and serve their superior masters.

So, if someone gets frustrated in front of you, you automatically assume that they're crazy or dangerous. That's how IGNORANT you are in your assumptions.

Nearly everyone has tagged me with a reference of "crazy, delusional, or cringe." I tag them all back with a reference of "dangerous."

There have been many false reports that I suffer from mental illness. I do not. That is a dangerous lie told by dangerous people on dangerous platforms.

I suffer from financial illness (inability to provide for myself) and opportunity illness (receiving entry-level positions only, rarely, and not moving up).

I also suffer from capital illness (not receiving capital for my big business ideas, so I can build and create).

Elon Musk gets to build and create. I don't. I can problem-solve. I came to the Tesla meeting as an equal to Elon Musk -- nothing less.

I am an unpolished diamond.

I'm the guy who tried to stop the spread of Covid back in April 2020. Elon Musk initially dismissed Covid. I did not.

Since 2004, for 19 years, I've been waiting for a second look: a second look opportunity where I can build and create. Instead, I spend my time maintaining things at the entry-level, which is not a good use of my time and talent. I have been kept at the bottom because the system is designed that way.

We have so many "polished duds" in our society who get funded for their dumb ventures and fail miserably by creating nothing of practical value.

We also have many "polished duds" in our society who become our political leaders, and lead us absolutely nowhere.

I know who I am. I know where I'm going.

I've reached out to Elon Musk several times, but he has never formally followed up with me - a sign of ignorance. But his large fanbase followed up and has attacked me in kind.

Millions of people have seen the video but not one person has offered me any form of assistance. I have asked for opportunities thousands of times and very rarely, I get them.

Since 1998, for 25 years, I have been pleading to work in the asset management field. I have yet to get that opportunity. It took 24 years just to get an entry-level Series 7 opportunity. That shows you how much IGNORANCE is in our society.

COVID-19 and 1.1 million deaths occurred in America due to IGNORANCE. But that's okay because the so-called "successful and accomplished" failed miserably and got away with it.

Society is not doing well because of too much ignorance and inequality. But that's okay because "rich society" is doing great. #richlivesmatter

Capitalism has failed because there is too much focus on accumulating wealth and not enough focus on improving "quality of life."

The backlash I received from the Tesla meeting has been much worse than the abuse I received from the Philadelphia Police featured below.

When you publish lies and misinformation, you are dangerous because you are writing a false history.
You are liable for all of your posts and comments.
Just because you have a right to publish doesn't mean you are right when you publish.
When you have no integrity, you are dangerous.

I have integrity; I can't speak for others.

I am seeking an apology and compensation. I am owed principal plus interest (6% per year, PA state interest rate). 

-Roy Philipose


No Integrity Organizations

1. Philadelphia Police

In September 2012, two white Philadelphia Police officers held me hostage and verbally assaulted me repeatedly, based on false assumptions and accusations by my two disowned relatives featured below.

Officer Names: (1) Jeffrey Ryan and (2) Unknown Officer, both from the 35th District.

No officer has the right to assault anyone for any reason. The police came with the assumption I tried to assault the two relatives earlier when the relatives were the ones who tried to assault me. 

I told the police from the beginning that I didn't do anything. The two angry officers immediately lunge at me and start ripping me apart. I continued to say those words while they were assaulting me. I must have said, "I didn't do anything" at least ten times. The officer on the left finally stopped but the 2nd officer on the right, Jeffrey Ryan, continued. He was furious and ready to hit me. Eventually, he stopped. The assault lasted ten minutes or so. I almost collapsed and could have died.

I wanted to defend myself. But if I did, I would have been shot and killed. So I had to stand there and take the abuse. 

After the assault, my upper body was humming and I was in shock for about 4 hours.

In 2015, I was diagnosed with PTSD and Anxiety because of the police incident in 2012. The assault has caused me to have breakdowns. I can have panic attacks if I am near the police.

I filed two police complaints which the police dismissed. The first complaint was simply dismissed. The 2nd complaint was dismissed due to lies by the two relatives. The final Internal Affairs (IA) report was full of lies and fabrication. Both officers denied the assault and that was it. I will be filing a 3rd police complaint and a video will be made. 

I wanted to press charges against the two officers but nobody has helped me with that. 

There is a reason for #defundthepolice. 

The police organization owes me $1M plus interest.


No Integrity Companies

1. YouTube

YouTube will publish lies and misinformation.

YouTube is where my breakdown is republished. I have filed with them to take the video down many times, but another one will pop up. The video is never blocked. That shows you the ignorance of a major corporation. 

2. Reddit

Reddit will publish lies and misinformation.

Reddit is where you can see a reference to the video and discuss it. There are too many false cringe references and repeat posts discussed on the platform. The video is never blocked. Again, that shows the ignorance of a major corporation. 

3. Twitter

Twitter will publish lies and misinformation.

Twitter is where you can contact someone directly or reply to them. I have received negative tweets from over 100 individuals. It is a constant reminder and that is why I log off on a regular basis. I've asked for the identities of individuals and never received it. 

4. TikTok

TikTok will publish lies and misinformation.

TikTok is another place where the video is illegally republished. 

5. KiwiFarms (Worst Platform)

Kiwifarms is an underground online message board where you can post anonymously. I have complained years ago about the site and the continual lies and copyright violations. The owner, Joshua Moon, participated in copyright infringement of my own long video content. 

The users on the site set up a thread about me. They think I am reading the comments. I am not. 

(If anyone out there wants me to read your comment, send me $1000 per comment, then I will read it. Again, you don't know me. I feel sorry for you.) 

I only come there occasionally to archive the site.

Currently, their site is down.

Again, "You get what you give in life."
If you give pain, you will eventually get pain back.

KiwiFarms owes me $1M plus interest.

Since June 2014, these social media companies have allowed their members to directly harass me and/or post lies and misinformation about me. The harassment has caused me harm and the information has damaged my name. I have been harmed by many people on the Internet. I want to press charges against them. The companies have profited heavily at my expense.

The major companies owe me $10M each plus interest.


No Integrity People

1. Rog Philipose

Rog is a disowned relative who lied to the Philadelphia Police in my police complaint. He is a criminal.

In 2012, Rog threatened to beat me up in the middle of the street. He later lied about it in court and committed perjury.  

Rog owes me $100K plus interest.

2. Jane Philipose

Jane is a disowned relative who lied to the Philadelphia Police in my police complaint. She is a criminal.

In 2007 and 2012, both Rog and Jane called the police on me stating that I had a gun and I was ready to shoot them. At the time, I didn't even own a gun.

In 2016, Rog and Jane committed insurance fraud with their carrier State Farm by stating Rog was severely injured in an auto accident when he was not.

In 2018, I told Jane I was going to expose her for the fraud that she is. So she set up a legit LinkedIn page to make herself look good. She is not. She is bogus. Her 500 LinkedIn connections and 3K followers are fake.

There are plenty of professional-looking people out there who are bogus.

Both Rog and Jane are liars and frauds and should be in jail. They have been major thorns in my life. I disowned them in 2016 when the final IA police report came out. 

Jane saw my accidental breakdown from the Tesla meeting and stated in my 2nd police complaint that I suffer from some form of mental illness, which is an absolute lie.

Jane owes me $100K plus interest. 


3. @Niketas (YouTube)

Niketas stated that I trolled Elon Musk. I never did. The video received 150K views before it was taken down. My original YouTube account was taken down at the same time.

Niketas owes me $100K plus interest.


4. Sarah A. Downey (Twitter)

In June 2014, Sarah posted a tweet that used my photo and tagged me as "cringe." I have never been cringe in my entire life. This post damaged my name and character. I don't need Elon Musk to help me come online. This shows ignorance. I need help so I can go build and create.

I confronted her about it and she blocked me on Twitter. I've sent her emails about the tweet but she has yet to respond. She posted my picture in typical white superior ownership fashion.

Sarah owes me $100K plus interest.


5. PewDiePie (YouTube)

Pew did a response video featuring my breakdown. It got 6 Million views before it was taken down. He never replied to me. Pew is dangerous to have a platform and not validate content.

Pew owes me $1M plus interest.


6. Piranhawc (Reddit)

Piran posted the first "cringe" video of my breakdown. I asked him to take it down and he refused. He left the post up and deleted his account. Many copycats have been created on Reddit. 

Piran owes me $100K plus interest.


7. Cody KO (YouTube)

Cody featured me in his first "cringe" video. In the video, laser beams were coming out of my eye and hitting Elon Musk. I have nothing against Elon Musk. That is very ignorant of Cody. He did remove the footage but after 2M views.

Cody owes me $100K plus interest.


8. Guccipilot (TikTok)

Guccipilot republished my breakdown. He thought he did something great. The video received 10M views before it was taken down. He deleted his account.

Guccipilot owes me $100K plus interest.


9. Sp1oif (YouTube)

In 2022, this user defamed me by publishing that I was "crazy." I have never been crazy in my entire life. That is a lie told by many on social media. 

Sp1oif owes me $100K plus interest.


10. Ronic (Worst Offender, Kiwifarms)

Ronic is a major copyright violator. He illegally republished my content on the site KiwiFarms. He doesn't care. He thinks he is right. He is not. Ronic has no integrity whatsoever. 

I feel sorry for Ronic. He is obsessed.

    -Ronic, go and seek mental help. You need it badly! 

Ronic owes me $100K plus interest.

© Copyright Roy Philipose 2023. All rights reserved.

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